Fuel pumps

suitable for: MAN, Iveco, Mercedes-Benz, Scania, Volvo

DT Spare Parts ensures the right fuel supply

To prevent the wheels from stopping, the vehicle needs a continuous supply of fuel. In order to guarantee this, the fuel pump and fuel filter components must harmonise with each other in order to ensure the fuel supply. As there are different designs, the DT Spare Parts product range offers a wide variety of fuel feed pumps and filters. The articles can for example be used for the brands MAN, Iveco, Mercedes-Benz, Scania and Volvo.

If there are problems with the fuel supply, a disassembly and an analysis of the components can provide information about the problem. The fuel filter may be damaged by impurities or foreign bodies, such as chips or small parts in the lamellas. “In this case, it is important to find the component that caused the fault”, explains Parts Specialist Lars. In the PS video, Lars and Kevin explain the fuel system of a truck. There are also tips on how to assemble and maintain various components of the fuel system. After fixing the defect, the system must be flushed to avoid further damage.

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Due to the high demand to develop high-quality products, the filters from DT Spare Parts are regularly inspected for function and the individual components are tested in the Diesel Technic Quality System (DTQS). There is also another inspection stand for oil/fuel pumps. There the pumps are tested, including vacuum and pressure checks.

“Before a new fuel feed pump is installed, a new seal must be in place”, Kevin explains. Furthermore, the correct tightening torque is crucial, otherwise a strained installation position could occur, causing damage and leaks. “This is also a common error pattern, causing malfunctions,” knows Parts Specialist Lars. To minimise these errors and ensure smooth installation, the assembly instructions can be found online.

The fuel system also includes injection pipes, which are made of metal or plastic. Furthermore, the tank sensor, the tank gauge, a pump-nozzle unit, a fuel filter head and various injection valves, pressure sensors and overflow valves belong to the DT Spare Parts range. These items can all be purchased in the Diesel Technic Partner Portal under the heading “Fuel System”.

For technical questions and help, the Diesel Technic Parts Specialists are available with their HelpDesk.

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